Donna Brown, The Gounge
The Australian Storytelling Guild
Invites you to
Under the Banyan Tree: Darwin Storytelling Festival 2010
Join with Australian and International Storytellers at the following events
Thursday 12th August 2-4pm at the Casuarina Library
The Tamarind Tree Storytelling Session
“.......every time we see a tamarind tree, we know the Macassans were here.”
Narrator, Ten Canoes
Like those early traders to the Territory we are coming with our stories. Myths, legends and folktales from around the world will reflect Darwin’s vibrant multicultural population. Storytellers will trade stories as one story inspires another. Who knows where the afternoon will take us?
Fri 13th Aug 7pm Casuarina Library
Spirits of the Night: Story Telling Concert
Many cultures around the world are superstitious about the number 13, particularly when it falls on a Friday. It is associated with the moon and spirits that roam at night. Ghosts are known to appear, supernatural events take place all regaled to you when Australian and International Storytellers share their stories of the “Spirits of the Night.”
(Not suitable for young children)
Sat 14th Aug 3-5pm Tree of Knowledge Banyan Tree, Civic Park
Under the Banyan Tree: A Storytelling Show for the family.
The old Banyan tree is known as Darwin’s tree of Knowledge and there are many stories of its social and historic importance. Always a meeting place, we again invite families to come together and listen.
Paying respects to the grand old tree we will tell of nature and its creatures and the wisdom of listening and caring for our environment. You might even see a fairy or two in its branches.
Sun 15th Aug 5-6.30pm NT Library
Stories from A Broad: Storytelling, the Territory, East Timor and me
Anne E Stewart
For over 30 years Anne E Stewart has practised her art and says the ‘soul’ came into her storytelling in the Northern Territory. These formative years in the 1980’s were spent as Children’s Librarian in the Darwin Library. Since then she has travelled the world sharing her stories. Anne will share some of these experiences, tell some yarns and talk of her connection to East Timor and its people through the death of her brother Tony at Balibo in 1975. You can listen to her ABC documentary “Our Tony at: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/360/stories/2009/2571516.htm
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