Under the Banyan Tree Storytelling Festival Darwin 2010
Booking Form:
Name of School:
Address of School:
Date of Storyteller Visit: ( Wed 11th August to Wed 18th August )
No of Sessions: (Note, sessions are approximately 1 hour in duration)
Detail Student Class List and audience size. ( We recommend 60-80 in a session)
Themes Required: Is there a curriculum area you would like our teller to focus on?
(Topics include: Myths and legends, Fairy Tales, Asian Studies, Multicultural Folktales, the Goldfields, Australian History. Let us know if you have any other theme our tellers have a wide range of experience.)
Have you seen our blog? http://underthebanyantreestorytelling.blogspot.com/
Read the Storyteller profiles and let us know which teller you would like to visit your school.
(Or we can help you with your selection)
We use standard ASA rates as a guideline for Storyteller fees
Schools (primary and secondary)
A group should comprise 60 – 80 students per session. A single session can be 60 mins or less.
Whole school day (max. 3 hours) $500
Half school day (max. 1.5 hours) $350
Per school session (max. 1 hour) $250
Please copy, fill in and return to anne@anneestewart.com.au. We will confirm your booking as soon as possible